1. 10 Easy Steps to Make Your Own Cello! - Instructables
10 Easy Steps to Make Your Own Cello! · Step 1: Tools · Step 2: Marking Out the Measurements · Step 3: Cutting Out the Faceplates · Step 4: Bending the Bouts · Step ...
10 Easy Steps to Make Your Own Cello!: *Updated 12/13/15 I apologize for any trauma or bodily harm inflicted by my 9th grade grammar My friend and I attempted to build a cello for my 9th grade Science Olympiad Sounds of Music competition--these are the results. Wood: -Body: plywood (no…
2. The Box Cello® Kit - StringRise®
The StringRise Box Cello is a DIY Cardboard Instrument Kit helping beginners play with great tone, position, posture, and bow technique.
Help your beginners play with gorgeous tone, position, posture, and bow technique from day one with The Box Cello™ Kit from StringRise™. StringRise carries the cardboard DIY string instruments Box Violin®, Box Viola®, Box Cello®, and Box Bass®.
3. Creation of an Electric Cello - Measurements and Templates
31 mrt 2021 · A template to use for those of you out there wanting to build your own electric cello, and today I am happy to share my revised design!
It has been a decade since I wrote the first post about the creation of my electric cello. Since then a lot has changed, but my love for the instrument is the same as it was back in undergrad. I have loved sharing the creation of this beautiful object, and it has been a joy […]
4. Cello Making Process - Alabaster Handcrafted Instruments
The slides below also take you through the process of building my first cello pictorially. Finished at last! 9 months of hard work but sounds wonderful. Holding ...
The slides below also take you through the process of building my first cello pictorially. Follow the links below for a more detailed view of the process from end to end: Design Building the form The ribs The back The top Plate tuning The neck Assembly Finishing Setup 1
5. I would like to build a cello - The Pegbox - Maestronet Forums
12 jun 2023 · It is quite a task you have set yourself, with no woodworking experience, and you would need quite a lot of tools, some of which are more specific to cellos.
Hello everybody. I play the piano and i have no experience with bow instruments, neither playing or repairing them. Also, i don't have any experience working with wood, painting, carving, or anything similar. I have no tools. I have nothing. But i would like to build a cello with my own hands. If...
6. Building a cello 17-18 - » Ida Riegels
It can easily take 800 hours to build a cello. The plan is to have it ready for a 1233 km long biking concert tour along the Rhine in the spring.
When you buy a new pair of shoes, you will of course find some that fit your size, but when you get a new instrument your size is not taken into consideration.Why is that?
7. How a Cello is Made - Simply for Strings
Cellos can be made out of different timbers, and some are made from aluminium or carbon fibre. Most luthiers and even larger factories still prefer to use the ...
The construction of the cello demands a large amount of time, concentration and years of mastery. How a cello is made - every part by hand A cello takes an expert, trained craftsman approximately 200 to 300 actual labour hours to make. But, this doesn’t take into account the whole process. In between tasks there will be waiting time, such as when parts have been glued, or during the varnishing process. This can add days and even a couple of weeks to the project. Below are some of the steps luthiers follow to craft a cello. To begin with, the mould is made. This framework is used as a guide for shaping and sizing the body parts, and is also used for securing the body during its gluing process. It is made to the exact internal measurements of the cello, as the ribs are fitted to this for setting in their final shape. Templates are also made for use in shaping the back and top plates. Once the mould is made, the four corner blocks and two end blocks are cut, then shaped to fit their location on the mould. Six ribs are cut to dimension and bent into shape, very carefully using heat to soften the wood just enough to bend without fracturing it. A heating iron is used in conjunction with a bending strap. The ribs are assembled and glued together with the blocks, then secured to the mould by a combination of clamping methods and left for the glue to set. The linings are now cut to size, bent on the heating iron and when the ribs are set, the linings are glued in place. They provide...
8. First Cello Build - MIMF - Musical Instrument Makers Forum
26 mrt 2019 · Jim McConkey wrote: Maybe your next build should be a dust collector! A DIY Oneida Dust Deputy, a bucket, and a small shop vac will build a fine ...
I've spent most of my life as a machinist/fabricator/designer creating stuff out of metal and after recently retiring, have decided to spend more time working with wood. I started by building a Maloof rocking chair for my new granddaughter and am now focusing my efforts on building a cello. I played cello in a secondary instruments class back in high school and have always been fascinated by their sound and design, and now that I have the time, have decided to build one.
9. Stand-Up Cello - Harnesses for Acoustic and Electric ... - The Cello Museum
17 jul 2024 · Discover solutions for standing to play your cello. Erica reviews three options: a homemade device, the Block Strap, and one by NS Design.
Discover solutions for standing to play your cello. Erica reviews three options: a homemade device, the Block Strap, and one by NS Design.
10. Getting Started With The Cello - Major Gates
I do recommend that they do invest in weekly lessons, especially for children. If you are playing for your own enjoyment and as a hobby, then you probably can ...
The Cello is another one of my favorite instruments. It is a string instrument in the violin family. It is the perfect sibling to the other sting instruments, especially the violin. [...]Read More
11. Robotime Australia: Cello - DIY Kits
Now Available Build difficulty Moderate 58 pieces Contents 4 plywood sheets Illustrated instructions Specifications Model Number: TG411 Assembled ...
Now Available Build difficulty Moderate ★★☆☆☆ 58 pieces Contents 4 plywood sheets Illustrated instructions Specifications Model Number: TG411 Assembled size: 68.6 x 68.6 x 299.7 mm Warning Not...
12. Pick a pattern! What kind of cello do you hope to build?
23 aug 2012 · Someone had given me a plan for the Montagnana “Sleeping Beauty”, which has a good reputation for a big sound. 2. There are two complete sets of ...
Look at a variety of cello patterns and decide which one is closest to what you want. Difficulty, aesthetics, and sound character are all things to consider.
13. Jordan Electric Cellos
Since all my cellos are built by hand, this was no problem for me. In 2022 I was commissioned to build “as light an electric cello as possible” for Abbie who ...
Being an amateur performing electric cellist myself, I've spent literally years of thoughts and dreams on the question of what the ultimate electric cello design would be for me. This drive towards perfection causes me to continually consider what could and should be done, that hasn't been done yet. It took quite a few years to get from the rough initial sketches to the fully evolved designs I'm offering now. The Jordan Ariel Model Electric Cello, my 2003 design, represents my personal vision, truly the cello of my dreams. This striking design while visually asymmetrical maintains symmetry in its contact points. This design is far more complicated to construct than my Virage Model requiring large complex joints and precision routed channels. I think of the electric cello not just as a functional instrument, but as a work of art to be interpreted by an artist with a vision. The vision has materialized and the dream has become reality!
14. Carbon Fiber Cello - a do-it-yourself video - The Pegbox - Maestronet
13 mrt 2008 · I like to cut pieces of a durable paper towel (like the ones used in operating rooms), and soak only the area where the glue is, ...
I have seen some references to carbon fiber being used for violins, perhaps, but I had always wondered how they did it. Here's some neat videos: Here's the second link, though you may see it when you look at the first. At any rate, it is kind of fascinating. Hope this isn't too blasphemous.
15. Instrument Kits from the Early Music Shop - Build your own Instrument!
Build your own musical instrument from one of our custom built kits. Easy, affordable with support on hand. Viols, Crumhorns, Harps, Percussion, Rebecs, ...
Build your own musical instrument from one of our custom built kits. Easy, affordable with support on hand. Viols, Crumhorns, Harps, Percussion, Rebecs, Symphonies, Portative Organs and more! Whether you're wanting to expand your knowledge or looking for new a craft project our instrument kits may be the perfect thing!