Chapter Text
Chapter 2, Set 1: Deku Steel Ep 1.
Blitz smirks and presses a button, on the screen a name appears.
‘Deku Steel’
The people in the room look at the name and turn to the person with that namesake.
Izuku curls into himself as the attention of the room is turned to him.
“Deku?” Ochako begins.
“Steel?” Tsu finishes.
“Maybe he has a similar quirk to me or Tetsutetsu?” Kirishima suggested.
“Maybe.” Iida remarks.
Nedzu turns to Blitz and asked, “May I ask for some information about this universe?”
Blitz gave it some thought and nodded, “I don’t want to spoil to much but I will tell you this. In this universe, Mister Midoriya has a different quirk than the one you know. That is all you are getting.” He said.
Some people looked like they wanted to ask more but a glare from Blitz shut their mouths.
Meanwhile, All Might and Izuku were wondering what this meant.
‘A different quirk? Did I not give Young Midoriya One For All in that universe? Does he have a quirk of his own there?’ All Might thought.
Izuku meanwhile was thinking about what this different quirk could be, ‘The Steel part in the name suggests some sort of a metallic quirk. But no one in my family has a quirk like that. Is one of my ancestors different in that universe? Did I not grow up quirkless in that universe? What kind of life did I have?’
Ochako shook his shoulder as he did not answer her when she asked something, “Deku? Hey, Deku? Did you hear me?” She asked him.
Izuku looked up at her and shook his head, “Sorry, I was deep in thought. What did you ask?”
Ochako smiled at him and said, “Aren’t you excited?! You have a different quirk in that universe?! What do you think it could be?” She asked him.
Izuku thought for a bit and said, “It is probably something similar to Kirishima or Tetsutetsu. Or maybe a metal control quirk. I guess we will have to find out.”
The villains scowled at the name, “Tsk, it’s about the brat?” Tomura asked. He wanted to turn something to dust but without his quirk that was impossible.
Toga bounced excitedly in her chair, “It’s about Izu-kun!?! Do you think there will be blood?!?” She asked.
Dabi looked at the name and smirked, “If he has a metal quirk in that universe I can probably beat him.” He said with confidence.
“No you won’t.” “Yes you will!” Twice replied.
Compress and Spinner just looked at the name, not caring that much.
The heroes looked at the name and spoke softly, “What kind of name is that?” Mirko scoffed, the name did not look all that impressive to her. The green haired kid called himself useless in their world so why add ‘Steel’ to the name and think that fixes it.
Ryuukyuu looked at her friend and said, “Maybe the name has something to do with his quirk? Blitz did say his quirk was different in that world.” She suggested, “What is his quirk anyway?” She asked the U.A. teachers.
Mic looked at her and said, “He has a strength stockpile quirk, according to his file. But the problem with it is that he needs a large amount of muscle to use it, so when he goes overboard he breaks his limbs.” He told them. “The kid has really improved since he got to U.A. last I heard he can use 30% of his quirk now, at the start of the year he could barely turn it on.” He quickly put something in his pocket before anyone saw it.
“How powerful is he?” Hawks asked.
Nedzu answered that, “You remember the Shie-Hassikai? Midoriya defeated their leader on his own while using 100% of his power.” He told the heroes, he was still proud of the boy for that.
The heroes who were part of the raid nodded, already knowing that. The ones who only heard of it looked impressed.
Mirko looked down in thought, despite not liking his name she could respect that the boy had gotten stronger. She looked at her arms and smirked, maybe she should give him some workout advice.
Inko looked at the name in shock, her son was up first? Eri looked at the name and asked her, “Miss Inko, will Mister Deku be okay?” She asked, worried for him.
Inko looked down at her and said, “Don’t worry Eri. I’m sure he will be fine.” She reassured her.
Kouta looked at the name and asked Izuku, “Izuku! Isn’t this so cool?! We get to see you in another world?!”
Izuku smiled at the boy and said, “It sure is, Kouta. I can’t wait to see what quirk I have there.”
Kouta smiled and said, “I bet it will be awesome!”
Blitz clapped his hands and asked, “Okay is everyone ready?” He got nods and “Ready’s” in return and pressed a new button and the video started.
The scene opens to Izuku walking up to the U.A. gate with a smile on his face. He passes through the fence and watches as other people walk into the building.
“Is that… the entrance exam?” Ochako asked, remembering that day.
Iida nodded, “Yes, I believe it is. His uniform is the same as that day.” He pointed out.
As Izuku walked towards the building he trips, “Whoa!” He covers his face with his hands to protect it but he never hits the ground. He looks up and sees that he is floating.
“I got you!” a voice behind him says. He looked behind him and saw a girl with brown hair and a blush on her cheek standing behind him. “Release.” She said, putting her hands together.
Izuku felt the ground appear beneath his feet again. He gave the woman a confused look and she rubbed behind her head, “I’m sorry for using my quirk on you like that! I didn’t want you to trip before the exam, that would be bad luck.” She told him.
Izuku smiled at her and said, “Don’t worry about it, thanks for saving me. I’m Midoriya Izuku.” He introduced himself.
Ochako looked confused, “Wait, that didn’t happen in our universe.” She said. She got confused looks from the others and elaborated, “In our universe he didn’t say anything.”
The people turned to Izuku and he blushed, “I was just shocked, girls never really talked to me in middle school.” He said softly, “Never mind one so pretty.” He muttered that last part to himself.
Ochako didn’t hear it but Kyoka snickered behind her hand as she heard it. Mina gave her a weird look as she sensed romance somewhere around her and Kyoka looker away quickly.
The girl smiled at him and introduced herself, “I’m Uraraka Ochako, it’s nice to meet you! I have to go, I can’t be late for the exam!” She said before she took off. Izuku smiled as he watched her go.
Izuku’s face got a close up and the background turned black, “You are hopeless.” A robotic voice said and the background lit up with green at the voice.
The audience looked surprised at the voice.
“What was that!” Mina asked.
“Who was that?” Kaminari asked.
“Is that voice in his head?” Momo asked.
“It looks like it.” Shouto replied.
“Maybe it is a sentient quirk?” Iida suggested.
Tokoyami perked up, “Maybe, but I don’t think it is like Dark Shadow and me. The only way Dark Shadow and I can communicate is if they come out.” He said, he turned to Blitz and asked, “Also, can I have Dark Shadow while I am here? It feels weird not having them in my body.” He explained.
Blitz thought and nodded, “Alright, but if Dark Shadow attacks anyone they will be locked away again.” He said, he snapped his finger and Dark Shadow popped out of Tokoyami, he quickly explained what was going on when they freaked out but settled down once they realized that they were safe.
Izuku sighed and walked to the door, but before he could start walking someone bumped into him, “Oi! Watch it, Deku!” Bakugou said as he brushed past him.
Izuku watched him walk into the building and the voice sounded again, “Well, he is still a jerk.”
Izuku rolled his eyes, “You’re telling me.” He muttered sarcastically before walking inside.
Bakugou glared at Izuku, “Deku! What did you just say you nerd!” He yelled. He stood up and was about to march over to Izuku to give him a piece of his mind before a capture scarf wrapped around him and he was pulled back to his seat.
He looked up and saw Aizawa glaring at him, he was missing the red eyes but the glare was enough to shut him up and stop him from trying, for now at least.
The next scene showed Izuku walking into the exam hall where the practical would be explained. He looked at the number for his seat and saw Bakugou already there. Bakugou scowled at him but said nothing. Izuku sat down and Present Mic walked up on stage.
“Good Morning, Listeners! Can I Get A YEAH!” He yelled into his microphone.
Izuku’s face changed to one of horror as his hands shot up and he yelled out, “YEAH!”
The people in the room gave him a funny look and he sat down again, he blushed at the looks he got and Bakugou snickered behind his hand.
The screen zoomed in on Izuku head again and the background turned black again, “HAHAHAHA!” The voice laughed, “That was gold! HAHA! Did you see the looks on their faces!”
Izuku scowled, “Steel!” He hissed, “Stop taking control of my body!” He said quietly, not quietly enough as Bakugou gave him a funny look.
The audience laughed at what happened but quickly sobered up as they heard what Izuku said.
“Wait,” Melissa began, “Did he just say, ‘taking control’?” She asked.
“Yes I believe he did.” Nedzu said.
“Does that mean that his, probably sentient quirk, can take control of his body?” Momo asked, not liking that one bit.
Tokoyami nodded, “It seems that dark power can control it’s host.” He said darkly.
The group gave him funny looks and Dark Shadow translated, “He means, that quirk can control it’s user’s body.” They said, they maybe a sentient quirk themselves but they could never imagine taking control of Fumi’s body like that.
“Wait, did he just call the voice, ‘Steel’?” Kirishima asked.
Izuku nodded, “Yes, he did. Does that mean that I’m called Deku Steel in that universe because my quirk is called Steel?” He asked.
Shouto nodded, “Most likely, I guess we will have to wait.” He said.
The audience turned back to the screen, most not sure what to think of the quirk.
Present Mic laughed, “Thank You, Listener. Right Now You Are My Favorite!” He told them before his face went back to normal when he saw that the other students were not laughing, he sighed, what does a guy gave to do to get a reaction out of an audience.
He cleared his throat and went on, “Right. The practical exam will take 15 minutes, you will be divided into different cities. If you look at the back of your exam card you will see which city you are in.” He told the group.
Izuku looked at the back of the card and saw he was in city B. Bakugou looked over his shoulder and scowled, “I should have guessed that they would have made sure that people from the same school are in different cities. Bummer, I would have loved to kick your ass during the exam.” He said, looking at his card with City A written on it.
Izuku frowned and Steel said, “Jerk.” In his head.
Mic went on, “Now, the goal of the exam is to destroy these robots.” He said and the screen behind him showed four silhouettes. “These robots are worth points, this one is worth One point. This one is worth Two points. And this one is worth Three points.” He said.
“So, we are encouraged to destroy robots. I wonder why the exam doesn’t have more ways to earn points. Maybe they-“ Izuku was cut of by Bakugou.
“Shut up Deku!” He hissed at Izuku.
“Excuse Me!” A voice sounded through the hall. Izuku saw a blue haired boy stand up, Izuku also noticed that he moved like a robot, “The screen shows four different villains and you only told us about three. Is this a misprint? It is inexcusable that a prestigious school as U.A. could make a mistake like that!” The boy said, moving his arms up and down like a robot.
The audience laughed at that and Iida sunk into his chair, blushing at his past self.
Ochako snickered, “Man, I forgot how stiff you used to be, Iida.” She told him, making him blush more in embarrassment.
Iida glared at the screen for daring to show this, he was nervous okay!
The audience calmed down and turned back to the screen.
Iida turned around and pointed to Izuku, “And you!” Izuku looked surprised at being addressed and Iida went on, “do you really think that you should behave so shamefully! This exam is important for us and I will not tolerate you treating it like a joke! Stop your muttering at once, it is distracting the other examinees!” He told Izuku.
Izuku looked down in embarrassment, the people around him laughed at him and Mic interrupted, “Thank you, examinee 7111! The fourth enemy is an obstacle, so to speak. It is better to avoid it. Now, head to your exam city! Good Luck!” He yelled.
The scene changed and showed Izuku standing in a group of people, except something was off.
“Wait, where is that green training suit he wore?” Ochako asked, she remembered what he wore during the exam and she was really confused why he was still wearing his school uniform.
The audience also looked confused, why was he not wearing easier clothes to fight in.
Izuku stood there with his bag slung over his shoulder, he looked around and saw Ochako standing a bit away from him, he was about to walk up to her and wish her luck but a hand grabbed his shoulder.
He turned around and Iida was glaring at him, “What do you think you are doing?! Are you about to distract that girl? Such actions are despicable! Also, why are you not wearing sporting clothes, are you not taking this seriously?” He asked.
Izuku gripped Iida’s hand and took it of his shoulder, “First of all, I was about to go wish her luck since she helped me before the exam. Second of all, don’t just assume that I am out to distract everyone here, the only one distracting people here is you. Third of all, I am wearing sporting clothes.” He said that last part with a smirk.
The audience laughed at Iida’s stiffness and Kaminari said, “Jeez, Iida. Take a chill pill, dude.”
Mina nodded, “Yeah, just relax. Do you really think Midori will sabotage the exam, him?” She asked incredulously.
Iida looked down in defeat, knowing he will never live this down, he knew he was a bit of a jerk at that time but it was the U.A. entrance exam, everyone was nervous.
Nedzu perked up at the last part of what Izuku said, “What do you think he means by that?” He asked Aizawa.
Aizawa sighed, “Knowing the problem child, probably something that will give me a headache.” He said, already feeling sorry for the other him for having to deal with that Midoriya.
The villains saw the smirk and Dabi chuckled, “I feel like this next part will be interesting.” He commented.
Inko tilted her head and thought, ‘what does he mean with that?’
Iida looked at Izuku in confusion before the gate opened, the people looked at the gate in confusion before Mic’s voice came through the speakers around them, “What are you waiting for? There is no count down in real life! Go!”
It took a few seconds before the people rushed to the gate. A cloud of dust was picked up as people used their quirks to get ahead.
Once the dust cleared the only person left standing was Izuku. He chuckled and put his bag down.
Nedzu saw it and asked himself, “What are you up to?”
Aizawa sighed, knowing that this would cause him and the other him a headache in the future.
Up top Mic looked at him and asked, “Are you okay, little listener? Did you get hurt?” He really hoped not, that was the only examinee that gave him a YEAh earlier.
Izuku gave him a thumbs up and yelled, “I’m fine!” before turning back to his bag.
He unzipped it and he stood up, “Are you ready, Steel?” he asked.
Out of the bag came a small robot looking device that flew up. It looked like a weirdly shaped M. It was white, black and green. It had one eye and it floated up to Izuku.
The audience blinked at the robot before a voice from the students sounded out.
“WHO MADE THAT BABY!?!?” Mei yelled, she was barely paying attention earlier. She didn’t really care about this but when she saw the robot the screen got her undivided attention.
Melissa looked at the robot in surprise, “Dang that thing looks really advanced. I can see no wiring or anything at all.” She muttered.
The students inspected the robot and Izuku said, “So that is Steel, I wonder why I was keeping him in my bag? Maybe I can’t carry him all the time.” He said.
“Damn that thing looks cool!” Kaminari said, the rest of the people who have watched anime nodded, it did look really cool.
“I wonder what Steel can do though.” Mina said.
The heroes looked at the robot with a critical eye, they knew it could control the boy so they wanted to be sure it was not evil in anyway. The robot (Quirk?) did not look evil but looks can be faked.
The villains looked at the robot and Shigaraki muttered, “Of course the brat gets a cool robot.”
Toga looked at the robot and said, “Steel is kind cute. But he is a robot, so sadly he can’t bleed.” She said sadly.
Steel took a pose and said, “Of course I am ready! Who do you think I am?”
Izuku smirked and spread his arms and said, “Alright, let’s do this.” Steel spread it’s mechanical limbs in the same way Izuku arms are and Izuku said, “Let’s Go TURBO!”
Izuku started to glow with green energy and Steel slammed into his chest, “FLIGHT!” Izuku said.
The energy went all around him and in the center of the energy you could see Izuku. The energy went solid and slammed into him, when it was done Izuku was wearing armor with a similar color scheme as Steel. He had wings and was wearing a helmet. The armor had a symbol similar to Steel on the chest.
The groups jaws dropped at the sight and Mic stood up and announced, “Deku Steel! Midoriya Izuku, Quirk: Turbo Energy! His body generates an enormous amount of energy that he can use. But his body can only hold so much, so when he met Steel they formed an Ultra Link. It’s some sort of a symbiotic relationship, Izuku makes the energy, Steel gives him the Turbo Modes to use it. When they combine they can change modes into different forms of armor! And they have thousands of those! He is the most versatile hero that you can imagine, he has a mode for any situation.” He told the audience.
It was silent for a few seconds before yelling began.
“’Thousands of modes!’” Momo yelled.
“Holy Shit!” Kirishima yelled.
“What the Fuck!” Bakugou yelled.
“That is just unfair!” Tomura yelled from his seat.
Mirko stood up and said, “I want to fight him!”
Aizawa just groaned, that was the definition of a bullshit quirk.
Nedzu hummed, “Yes that quirk is quite powerful.” He said out loud.
All Might nodded, “Indeed, it is like having multiple quirks in one.” In his mind he connected this quirk to a certain potato head villain who was now in jail. It was incredibly powerful and he could see All For One hunting that Midoriya to get that quirk.
Shouto looked at the armor and commented, “He said, ‘Flight’ before transforming, so I guess that is the flight mode?” He didn’t want to feel jealous but he felt envious of that Midoriya, he knew he was outclassed compared to that version of Izuku.
Blitz spoke up, “Yep, that is the flight mode. One of the modes that Izuku prefers to use.”
Nedzu caught onto the wording and asked, “’Prefers?’”
Blitz elaborated, “He has many modes, but some do the same as some others. But that one is one of his favorites, it can easily over a 100 times the speed of sound. And well… you will have to see the rest.” He said with a smile.
Hawks and Ryuukyuu raised an eyebrow at the speed. Hawks felt outclassed, sure he was fast in the air but not that fast. And that boy has even more modes, in his mind that is the best quirk to be a hero. Versatile, powerful and useful.
Endeavor growled at the implications, that boy could have a fire mode more powerful than his quirk.
The villain scowled at the image.
“That would not be fun to fight.” Dabi said, not sure if he could win against that.
Toga looked at the armor and came to the conclusion that trying to stab him would not work.
Tomura growled, “I can probably still dust him.” He said.
Blitz laughed, “No, you can’t. That armor is made out of pure energy. You can’t destroy energy.” He said.
Tomura growled but a smile formed on his face, ‘but maybe it can be absorbed.’ He thought with a smirk.
“I can win against that.” “Please don’t fight me, armor man.” Twice said.
Bakugou growled, although he wanted to deny it, he knew that version of Deku was stronger than him. Maybe he had more firepower, but that version of Deku was better across the board and he hated that, a lot.
Aizawa looked at Mic and asked, “What was that all about?”
Mic gave him a smile and held up a card, “Blitz gave me this card, whenever I need to introduce a character it lights up and their info appears on it. He asked me to do this and I thought, ‘Why not?’ you know.” He gave a lazy smile and Aizawa sighed, leave it to his friend to accept a magical card from a multiversal god.
Mic’s jaw fell as he saw the boy, the boy turned to him and gave him a two fingered salute and blasted of into the air, towards the fake city.
He flew over the city and saw other people fighting robots, he saw a small group of robots to the side without anyone near then and flew towards them. He slammed into on of them and broke them. A robot tried to punch him but he grabbed the arm and ripped it of and hit them with it, breaking the robot.
Another robot rushed him from behind but Steel popped out of his chest and fired a beam out of his arm, blowing up the robot. The last robot shot a missile at him and Izuku grabbed it out of the air and threw it back at the robot.
Steel flew up to him and said, “That is 7 points.”
Steel went back into Izuku’s chest and Izuku said, “And many more to go.” He flew of again.
The audience was pretty impressed at what they saw, “Not bad.” Aizawa muttered.
Nedzu nodded, “Indeed, at that pace I would not be surprised if he gets first place.”
Midnight nodded, “Yes, but I wonder what else he will do.” She commented.
Izuku flew through the air and saw another group of robots, he flew above them and Steel flew out of his chest again. Izuku grabbed him and aimed him down, Steel lit up and fired a beam of green energy towards the ground, blowing up the robots.
“Steel, how do you feel about getting up-close and personal with those robots?” Izuku asked.
Steel hummed, “That feels like a great way to have some fun!” He replied.
Izuku laughed and dove down, he slammed feet first into a robot, going right through it. The other robots rushed to him. Izuku lit up again with Turbo Energy and called out, “Go Turbo!” The robots were blasted back by the energy and Izuku transformed, “STRENGHT!”
His form changed to a bigger one, it was about the size of All Might, it had huge arms and a huge upper body. The helmet was dome shaped and while the lower body was smaller it was still larger than that of the flight mode.
Mic stood up again and called out, “Introducing, the Strength mode! Capable of lifting over 50.000 tons and strong enough to tank anything you throw at it! This mode is Deku Steel’s go-to for fighting!”
Again it was silent before, surprisingly, All Might yelled out, “50.000 TONS!?!” That was more than he ever lifted. What kind of quirk gives that kind of power to one person, sure One For All is powerful, but this kind of power is ridiculously huge! He didn’t want to imagine someone like All For One with that kind of power.
Melissa stood up, “That would be enough to lift a military ship! And the durability, that is the perfect mode for fighting!” She yelled out in shock. A strength quirk like that was unheard of! With that kind of power anyone could become the strongest being on earth.
Tomura growled, “That is just cheating, heroes shouldn’t have that kind of power!” He didn’t like this version of the green brat, his power was way to similar to his sensei’s in his opinion. And he was way to powerful to be a hero. ‘I’m glad I am not that universes me.’ He thought in the back of his head.
Bakugou’s eye twitched, first that version of the nerd can fly and now he has strength greater than fucking All Might. Now he was pissed, not because that Deku was stronger than him, but because he knew this would inspire his version of the nerd to become stronger. And listening to the other idiots of his group, he was not going to stop hearing about this version of Deku for a while.
Izuku was mumbling up a storm, the notebook he had with him now had multiple pages full of info on that version of him. To him, this was incredible, so many possibilities. The flight was already insane but with this strength, he would be unstoppable! Sadly, he thought, that version of him can only use on mode at the time, but maybe that is his quirk’s drawback. Almost every quirk has one, so maybe that is it.
The dust cleared and the robots got eyes on the transformed teenager, he stepped out of the dust and grabbed a robot with one hand and crushed its head.
He looked at the other robots and asked, “Anyone want to try?”
The robots rushed him and Izuku ran at them, during the ensuing fight he crushed, punched, kicked, smashed and ripped apart, robot after robot. Once he was done with the group he stood next to a pile of broken robots and he asked Steel, “How many points are we on?”
Steel’s voice came through his helmet, “If my calculation are correct, we should be at 67 points now, we have around 5 minutes left so if we head into the center of the city we might find some more robots.” Steel suggested.
Izuku looked around to see if any robots survived and nodded, “You’re right, let’s go.” He lit up again and the transformation started, “Go Turbo!” The energy wave sent the destroyed robots flying back, “SPEED!”
This mode looked built for speed, it was slick and the helmet was curved back. The green color was lighter and there was less black in the color scheme.
Mic stood up and the people were already looking at him, expecting this already, “Introducing: the Speed mode! This mode is the fastest land mode Deku Steel has! This mode can go from 0 to 300 MPH in 6 seconds! When Deku Steel has to travel over the ground, this mode is the way to go!” He announced.
Iida’s glasses broke as he shouted, “0 TO 300 IN 6 SECONDS! THAT IS FASTER THAN ANYONE IN MY FAMILY CAN GO!” And that was true, even with his Recipro Burst he can only just over a 100 MPH. This Speed mode is three times faster than him. His shoulders drooped and he looked down in sadness.
He felt a hand on his shoulder and he looked up, he saw Izuku there, smiling at him, “Don’t worry Iida! He maybe faster now, but if you train you will surely be faster than him one day!” Izuku encouraged, Izuku wanted write down the new information but when he saw that his friend was sad he wanted to help him.
Iida gave him a smile as fire returned to him, Izuku was right. So what if Deku Steel was faster than him? He would train, and one day he would go faster than anyone in his family before him!
Meanwhile, the heroes were trying to wrap their heads around this, most likely, future hero in training.
Mirko smirked, “I want to fight him. Right now. Blitz! Let me fight him!” She demanded from the host.
Blitz opened one eye from his nap, he wasn’t really asleep but he wanted to get some shuteye before the next universe was shown. He had already decided which one it would be and he knew that both would involve blood. He was taking this time to decide what to do about those that can’t stand the blood, aka Eri and Kouta. He wasn’t going to make them watch the next verse, he knew he wasn’t the best being but he was not a monster. Right now his plan was to either remove them from the room or to put them to sleep for the next universe. He realized that he needed to answer so he cleared his throat and did so, “No. If you want to fight something, there is a training room in the dorms. There you can fight copies of people from universes you have watched if you want. You get a few hours break every three universes so you can do it then.” He told the feral rabbit woman.
Mirko looked like she wanted to argue but a glare from him and Ryuukyuu’s hand on her shoulder stopped her. She wanted to fight that version of the green haired boy now, but she also wanted to see the other universes, who knows, maybe another character will get her attention. She smiled at the thought of getting to fight do many opponents here, all of the people that catch her interest here and she can fight them just in the other room.
Izuku sped off to the center of the exam area, along the way he destroyed a few more robots before other examinees could get hurt by them, he only attacked the robots if the examinee looked to be in danger. He reached the center of the area and ran to the top of a building to survey his surroundings.
He saw the blue haired boy from before destroying robots by kicking them, he saw Uraraka levitating robots up into the air before dropping them, he saw a blond boy hitting the robots with lasers that seemed to come out of his stomach and Izuku smiled under his mask. He heard other examinees talk about how many points they have and he knew he was far ahead of them, even more so with the points he got on the way here.
He decided to watch the others from the roof for a while and if it is needed he would go down and help, but it seemed that help was needed now as he could feel the ground shake and he saw a huge robot appear in the other street. “Oh, so that is the Zero-pointer. I was wondering why we didn't encounter one.” Steel noted.
The audience looked at Nedzu in fear as he cackled in glee, even the villains were afraid.
Toga shivered, “Why does U.A. have that?” She asked in fear.
Dabi shrugged, suddenly very happy he did not go to hero school, “I don’t know, but I’m glad we never attacked the campus because I do not want to fight one of those.” He replied.
Kouta looked at the robot and turned to Izuku and asked, “Did you fight that in our world as well?”
Izuku was about to reply but Ochako beat him to it, “Yes he did! And he destroyed it in one punch!” She told the boy, she would always treasure the memory of Izuku saving her and if she was right, she was about to watch it happen again. She couldn’t wait.
The others ran away in fear of the robot, Izuku ran around and picked up the stragglers. He was about to get some distance between him and the robot before he heard a yelp, “Ahhh!”
He turned around and saw Uraraka stuck beneath a piece of rubble, he ran up to her and grabbed the rubble on top of her and tensed, Turbo Energy radiated of him and he threw the rubble of her. He looked down at her and saw her looking at him with grateful eyes, “Are you okay?” He asked as he held out his hand to help her up.
“Thank you.” She shakily said, “For saving me.”
She slowly took his hand and tried to get up, only to yelp and fall again. She sat down and clutched her ankle, “I think my ankle got hurt.” She told him, she took a look at him and asked, “Who are you?” She didn’t see him before the exam and she was pretty sure she would remember a boy in full armor at the start.
Izuku chuckled and his helmet disappeared, “Hey. We should get you out of here.” He told her.
Ochako’s eyes went wide as she saw the boy, Midoriya Izuku if she remembered correctly, from earlier. She registered what he said and nodded. Izuku picked her up and was about to run her out of there but the Zero-pointer appeared around the corner and looked at them.
Izuku made his helmet appear again and put her down, “Wait here, I will be right back.” He told her. He stepped away from her and transformed, “Go Turbo! FLIGHT!” He transformed into Flight mode and flew up into the air, the robot followed his flight path with its head and Izuku flew above it. Once he was satisfied with the distance he asked Steel, “Are you ready, Steel?”
Steel’s voice sounded through the helmet and he asked, “For what?” Izuku smiled and Steel said, “Oh, that is a good idea.”
Aizawa sighed, “What is he planning?”
Mic thought a bit before answering, “Maybe he will blast it again?” He suggested.
Next to them Nedzu hummed in thought, ‘what will you do, Deku Steel?’ he thought in curiosity.
Izuku looked at the screen as he tried to think about what the other him was about to do, ‘will he fire a laser again? Maybe he will punch the Zero-pointer’s head off with strength mode? What will he do?’ He thought in frustration at not knowing.
Izuku up further before diving down at the Zero-pointer, “Go Turbo! CANNON!” He transformed, the audience couldn’t see what it looked like because it became a blur before smashing into the Zero-pointer at high speed.
He hit the Zero-pointer with a loud bang, the robot collapsed after the impact and fell to the ground, broken beyond repair.
Izuku landed next to the broken remains and his new form was shown, it looked a lot like the Strength mode bot instead of it being the suit it was more like an armor set. It was…beefy, the armor looked thick and under the helmet you could see Izuku’s other helmet, like he was piloting the armor instead of wearing it.
Mic stood up again and announced, “Introducing: Cannon mode! This mode is the heavy hitter of Deku Steel’s Turbo modes. This mode can turn into a ball form and when using Turbo Energie it can hit an object with incredible force! The outer shell is pretty much indestructible and can take any punishment dished out. When Deku Steel wants to hit an enemy hard, this is the best option!”
Kirishima whistled at the mode’s design, “Damn, that thing looks strong. I wonder how much it can take.” He thought out loud.
Bakugou grinned, ‘indestructible, huh? We’ll see about that.’ He thought with a grin. He wanted to test that things durability personally.
Mirko smirked, “Fuck, I want to fight that thing. You think it can take a kick from me?” She asked Ryuukyuu.
Ryuukyuu hummed before answering, “Probably, do you really think you can destroy something like that?” She pointed at the screen.
Mirko grinned, “Only one way to find out.” She said with confidence.
Toga cried out, “Why does he have so much armor! I can’t stab him like that!”
Dabi sighed, “Yeah, I believe that is the point of the armor.” He said dryly. There was a screw loose with this chick, he swore.
Izuku looked at the remains of the robot and transformed to his base mode, he made his helmet disappear and walked over to Uraraka. He picked her up again and carried her over to the others, there he saw a small woman helping the examinees. She saw them walking over and he put Uraraka down when he reached her, “Oh dear, what happened to you?” She asked.
“I think I twisted my ankle.” Uraraka admitted.
Recovery girl looked at the ankle and smiled, “Well, let’s fix that, shall we?” She kissed the injury and it started to heal. She hand Uraraka some gummies and turned to Izuku, “And you? Are you hurt?” She asked.
Izuku shook his head, “Nope, I’m fine. But,” He took a notebook from out of nowhere and asked, “Can I have your autograph, please?” He asked her.
Hawks eyes went wide in surprise when he saw the notebook, “How did he do that? That is not part of his quirk!” He asked the teachers.
Aizawa shrugged, “No one knows. Those things just appear when he needs them. We have a betting pool, most of the teachers think it is a second quirk.” He told the winged hero.
Hawks grinned, “Can I place a bet as well?” He asked.
Nedzu laughed, “Sure, but just so you know, there is no take backs.” He said with a laugh.
Ryuukyuu turned to Midnight and asked, “Does he always do that?”
Midnight smiled, “Yes, he does. I think he has every teacher’s autograph at this point.” She remembered when he asked for hers, the drawing that was on the page of her standing over a defeated villain was wonderful and she had asked him to draw one for her as well, it now hung in her office. The rest if the teachers chuckled, they also remembered how the boy asked for their autographs at the start of the year.
Recovery girl smiled and took the notebook, she signed her page with a smile and gave it back to him, “It is always nice to meet a fan. But be careful in the future, that stunt you pulled could have gotten you hurt and I don’t want to see you in the infirmary all the time, you hear.” She told him.
Izuku gave her a nod and walked off and went home.
The scene changed and the bottom of the screen showed a text, ‘One week later.’
Izuku was sitting in his room reading a book as Steel played video games on his tv. His mom threw open the door, she was holding a letter and excitedly said, “Izuku! It’s here, it’s here!”
Izuku shot up and he grabbed the letter, his mom left the room as Izuku and Steel opened the letter. A device fell out and Izuku inspected it, he saw a button on it and pressed it.
The device lit up and a familiar figure popped up, “Greetings, Young Midoriya! I Am Here With The Results! For The Written Exam You Got A Score Of 96%, Which Is The Highest This Year, Congratulations! But What You Really Want To Hear Is The Score For The Practical, Don’t You? Well I Am Very Happy to Tell You That Scored 79 Villain Points! That Means That You Got In.” Izuku and Steel cheered and fist bumped. But All Might kept talking, “But What Kind Of Hero School Would We Be If We Only Scored On The Ability To Take Down Villains? That Is Why We Have, Rescue Points!” All Might revealed, “You Get These Points By Helping Others During The Exam! And You, My Boy, Got 81 Off Them, Giving You A Combined Score Of 160 Points. Breaking The School Record Set By Me Years Ago! So, Welcome To Your Hero Academia! Congratulations!” All Might told him.
Izuku cried as he looked at the score, he did it. He hoped his dad was proud.
Most of the students cheered and some of the heroes clapped. That was a very impressive score indeed, All Might was proud of that Midoriya. Not that he was not proud of his Izuku, no, he could not be prouder of his boy.
The students congratulated Izuku and clapped him on the shoulder, Izuku blushed at the praise. Ochako shook his shoulders and excitedly said, “Wow! That was amazing, Deku! Did you see him! He was like, Blam! And POW!” She copied his punches with her hands and Izuku smiled.
The screen went dark and Blitz appeared before the screen, “Now, what did you think of that?” He asked the group.
Most of the audience had positive reactions, although Shigaraki was mad that Deku Steel was not dead or something like that.
Nedzu cleared his throat and said, “I believe I speak for most of us when I say that we enjoyed this, thank you for showing us this.” He said with a smile, “It was very informative.”
Tomura scoffed, the audience turned to him and he said, “Whatever, I don’t really care. It just showed a bunch of hero wanna-be’s throwing their quirks around at robots. Big deal!”
Most of the audience looked like they wanted to say something but Blitz clapped his hands, turning the attention towards him, “While I don’t agree with you completely, Shigaraki, you do have a point. But this was a warm-up of sorts, a first taste if you will. The next one will be a bit more… graphic.” He told the group.
The audience looked scared for a bit and Inko covered the kids head with her hands.
Blitz smiled at her and said, “Don’t worry, Miss Midoriya. If you want, you can take the children to the dorms. There is a play area set up for them. You can do what you want in there, I won’t make the children watch the next one.” He told her.
Inko nodded and rose up, she led the kids through the door, despite Kouta protesting that he could handle it, and shooed them into the dorms.
Blitz turned to the audience and announced, “If you don’t like blood or gore then you can join them as well. I won’t stop you.” He told them.
Some of the audience looked at each other but they kept seated, Nedzu spoke up, “May I ask what we are watching next?”
Blitz smiled and pressed the button on the device and the screen loaded, a name appeared.
‘Son of the Ogre: Hanma Izuku.’